Islamophobia: Fascists, Cowards, Morons

It is amazing what you can get people to believe just by saying it's true. 

Take Islamophobia. 

Invented by the Muslim Brotherhood to prevent anyone, even non-Muslims, from criticizing their book of spells and its imaginary thin-skinned prophet, the term has now infiltrated the everyday news culture of almost all western nations. In fact, the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on British Muslims has just called on it to be recognised as racism.

'Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness,' says the report. 

This is an incredible propaganda achievement on two levels: One, it is utter nonsense and two, we are living in the 21st Century. 

Islamophobia is a blasphemy enforcement tool, nothing more. 

By racialising the term, the salafist public relations department have outlawed one of the founding principles of western democracy, the freedom to criticize ideas. Can we now assume that we are no longer allowed to have a go at Marxism, Mormonism, Feng Shui or post-structuralist phenomenology?

And yet it has been swallowed by an increasingly ignorant media class who seem to have forgotten every single principal they learnt at journalism school. 

When you hear the word being thrown about on the BBC or read it in The Independent, you are witnessing unprincipled organisations and poorly educated reporters going along with what they perceive to be the mainstream narrative. It is essentially the opposite of what the fourth estate and its representatives are supposed to do. They no longer even have an interest in reading between the lines. Or, indeed, telling the truth. 

If you aren't capable of thinking for yourself, this kind of thing is inevitable

As French writer Pascal Bruckner points out in his wide-ranging article There’s No Such Thing as Islamophobia

"The concept of Islamophobia masks the reality of the offensive, led by the Salafists, Wahhabis, and Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and North America, to re-Islamize Muslim communities—a prelude, they hope, to Islamizing the entire Western world." 

Something that should not exist has a yearly report


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