
Showing posts from November, 2018

Islamophobia: Fascists, Cowards, Morons

It is amazing what you can get people to believe just by saying it's true.  Take Islamophobia.  Invented by the Muslim Brotherhood to prevent anyone, even non-Muslims, from criticizing their book of spells and its imaginary thin-skinned prophet, the term has now infiltrated the everyday news culture of almost all western nations. In fact, the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on British Muslims has just called on it to be recognised as racism. 'Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness,' says the report.  This is an incredible propaganda achievement on two levels: One, it is utter nonsense and two, we are living in the 21st Century.  Islamophobia is a blasphemy enforcement tool, nothing more.  By racialising the term, the salafist public relations department have outlawed one of the founding principles of western democracy, the freedom to criticize ideas. Can we now assume tha

The Inevitable Arrival Of The Migrant Caravan

Invasion? What invasion? One of the strangest arguments of the borderless left in living memory came in the run up to the mid-term elections in the USA when a number of Democrats and their ever faithful media cheerleader crew announced that "Trump's so-called caravan is a thousand miles away".  What they appear to have overlooked in their eagerness to use the whole saga election propaganda is that large groups of human beings who are all walking in the same direction towards a pre-established destination do have a tendency to arrive eventually.  And that's exactly what this 8000-strong migration army have now done.  Fence sitters And when the tear gas, smoke, violence and the dust of illegal border crossings had cleared, the political left were still plugging exactly the same idiotic mass immigration message as before.  In America, Canada, Australia and all over the disappearing continent that used to call itself Europe, the policy of every left-lea