
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Kafkaesque Censorship Plughole Swallowing Tommy Robinson

It's almost impossible to think of anyone in the history of this country who has been as savagely censored quite as relentlessly and unfairly as the man who had a much easier life when he was known as Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. Britain has an embarrassing history of censorship, from 17th Century erotic fiction to Frankie Goes To Hollywood and early video game outrage, taking in Lady Chatterley's Lover, Last Exit to Brooklyn, Mary Whitehouse and the puritanical pornography laws that have always existed and are due to be applied to the Internet at some point this year.  But the silencing of Tommy Robinson is more troubling and more perplexing than anything than has come before.  The reason for this is twofold: Firstly, it is not clear what Mr Robinson has done wrong. And secondly, the shocking willingness of all sections of the mainstream media and a large proportion of the public to go along with what is happening to him.  If you turn on the BBC or Sky news or read any ne