
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Bravery And Brilliance Of Julian Von Abele

"White people are the best thing that happened to the world. We're white men. We did everything!" We invented science and industry and you want to tell us to stop because ‘Oh my God, we’re so bad."  Julian Von Abele just might be the first person since the Democratic party and the submissive media whores who blow their trumpet turned their race-bating rhetoric up to 11 to stand up in public and say 'enough of this complete and utter bullshit'.  He should be hailed as a hero, an untucked warrior for truth. But we live in strange and confusing times, people of the west, and this Columbia University physics undergraduate has instead been vilified and demonized as a white supremacist all over the world.  As usual, every single dumb-ass media organisation came out to condemn this most promising of young men.  According to a pathetic statement from his collage, the objections include the fact that he performed his 'rant' using 'painful lang